Section: New Results

Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks

Participants : Emmanuel Nataf [contact] , Patrick-Olivier Kamgueu.

Our work on the estimation of the remaining energy inside a sensor is published in [18] . We have integrated this model in the standard routing protocol for wireless sensors networks (RPL) and compared our energy based routing against a routing plane based on the quality of transmission between sensors [30] .

We have built a new model to combine together several criteria, as the remaining energy, the expected transmission rate and the hop count into one quality indicator. To achieve this, we propose to use fuzzy logic either because it is a recognized mathematical tool for combining heterogeneous data and because it can be implemented with a small memory footprint. Our work is fully integrated in the standard protocol and does not need additional messages or new protocol states.

We bought 35 sensors and deployed them in the Loria building. The goal of this deployment is manyfold :

  • to build and observe a real network in a real environment;

  • to provide the team with a demonstrative tool to help the understanding of our work;

  • to provide the team with a testbed for other works on IoT, like the security monitoring or the QoS.